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  • 485Mbe4001
    06-13 11:53 AM
    I do beg to differ, nice post but low on facts, its more conjecture and assumptions.
    PHDs - EB1 dont make the kind of cash you have shown (ask the post docs who are working there asses off), similarly EB 3's are not restricted to the range you are talking about.
    Gaming the system is what screwed us, its not just EB3 its every where. The ones who gamed the system already have their GCs. The extent of gaming in EB1 and EB2 was more than EB3 (ask a lawyer, off the record and you will know). Bodyshopping companies send every one as project managers and they apply in EB2. as for experience, lets not get into that, it is very subjective and vague. I could go on and on...but my level of frusturation with USCIS is too high...hoping and praying is also not an option these days.

    just call the CHC members

    Nice post, containing real facts.

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  • gneerajg
    09-11 01:37 AM
    I got a ref today the reason ability not to pay. They state that in line 21ordinary business income is less than what it should be according to PW and based on that employer was not able to PW in those years like from 2001 to 2006but the gross income was always in between 600000-1000000 each year. but can they relate your old returns with new PW. I mean does it matter based on your last 5 returns ability not to pay but currently I am drawing more than PW and my employer never filed tax`return with loss. pl. advice Does I need good CPA

    40k+ in 2006
    35k+ in 2005
    33k+ in 2004

    EB-3 PD 2001
    Filed I-140 & I-485 on May 5,2007

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  • zoozee
    12-13 12:46 PM
    Yes' Paid membership for IV is definitely a good idea.


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  • Macaca
    02-07 07:52 PM
    If you are not counted against cap, that is equivalent to visa available = PD current.

    I interpret SKILL as follows for US MS.

    1. You wait for your PD to become current.
    2. When your PD becomes current, you are not counted against the cap.

    How can we verify that my understanding of step 1 is incorrect? Thanks.


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  • anandrajesh
    01-29 07:14 PM
    Why will it move PDs faster than now? Thanks.

    Because consulting companies dont necessarily cancel pending labor applications when somebody quits. They let it run through the process and use that to substitute to a new employee. If they cant use it due to this new law, nobody else would jump in front of us in the queue.

    Not sure whether this will help to move PDs faster, but will help a little. At this pace, if you can expect GC in 15 yrs, if Labor substitution is eliminated you might get ur GC in 13 yrs. :( (Saves you a Whopping 2 yrs of wait time)

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  • lazycis
    12-04 08:43 PM
    Here is the link to Cao v. Upchurch ruling.


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  • hiralal
    01-09 12:06 AM
    I believe it will be the same old story. They will wait till last quarter and then will waste thousands of visa numbers because of their darn slow processing hands and we people will again start talking optimism from Oct 2010.
    What happened to the IV's talk with USCICS on spillover policies? Does anybody know?
    my thoughts exactly - they are just relaxing till summer season !! and maybe they will make the dates current in last quarter too - this means more mess but more $$$$ for them.
    time to make plan B = plan A. and plan C = plan B.
    my plan C -- make more money, save more and buy less with eventual return to home country if needed !!

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  • walker15
    09-17 12:47 PM
    Another voting going on


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  • viva
    02-05 05:55 PM
    Hello everyone,

    I was just thinking about this the past couple of months and maybe we dont even need to ask for Green cards. MAYBE our approach should be "Let the H4s work". Once husband and wife can both work, the green card can take its time. Right now the Biggest problem with most people is that "my spouse cannot work!". Maybe if we lobby for h4s to be eligible to work that may solve the problem.

    Now before this suggestion creates a HUGE "Dhoom", this is JUST a suggestion. The current political climate does not look like it is going to be easy in any way to put any provisions for Green card increases. Besides if the logic is "Let temporary workers be temporary", this approach fits in with that logic, coz we are not asking for GCs (permanent residency), just more temporary EADs.

    This is a blatant violation of what IV stands for. When you are asking for your spouse to work, you are indirectly saying that it is your priority instead of a GC.

    So, are you just interested in making more money or getting a GC? If you are interested in your spouse working, it indicated you want to make more money. This will come at a cost of IV not being able to push the GC as a priority item.

    Please analyze your requests, its impact on the organization and the morale of the core team before posting such irrelevant posts. Right now, the goal of the organization is to push forward the GC agenda without getting distracted with "H-4 needs to work request".

    Go IV!!!!!!!!!!! Go IV Core!!!!!!

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  • natrajs
    09-17 04:59 PM
    KubMilegaGC - thanks for all the support.

    I am now waiting for October 1st, attorney said that they will send an inquiry through AILA. I am not sure if I should call USCIS now, as they tell me to call after 60 days based on the response they sent to the inquiry that was made by the local senator.

    I also got a response for my 09/04 Infopass appointment today. It says "Based on the documentation you have provided, your cases qualifies for expedited processing. You should hear back from us within 45-60 days. If you do not hear back from us within 60 days, please call us back.

    I have no clue what that means? I have not provided them any documentation in the last 2 years. LUD on my case is from April 2009 (when I filed for AP/EAD) and status update is for the document they sent to me for FP in September 2007.

    I filed for AP last year in May 2008 and didnt see any updates at that time either. I have no idea where my case is or whats going on with it. Let's hope for the best.

    Again, congrats to you. After 16 days of pain and agony, I am glad you got your GC today, you can now relax and move on with your life. You too have been great support in the last 3-4 days.

    Keep the hope, You will get it , Good Luck and Best Wishes


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  • eb3India
    03-08 11:17 AM
    Growing up I use to goto an organization wearing kakhi-chaddi, so I grow up hating Mahtma Gandhi (but that ws long time ago),

    I now has so much respect for this Man, I wonder how was he able to cheer and integrate my fellow Desi's ;) almost 60-80 years ago, if I think about it now seems almost like a miracle.

    We really need to look into his life and find some answeres, as we have long battle and it is just getting started

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  • abhijitp
    04-19 09:38 AM
    Dear Friends,

    Got Green cards and Welcome notices for me and my wife .
    Surprisingly no uscis e-mail and online status is still "initial review"

    Our journey in short :

    How long in US : 10+ years

    First Labor in 2002 . Changed job in three years before approval of labor
    Second Labor in 2004 . Approved in 2007
    Filed I140 and 485 - in July 2007

    Since then I was enjoying EAD / AP with no complain .

    I donate to IV now and then , but for some reason only once (for few days) got access to IV-Donor Forum . But always had a faith that IV is doing good work .
    From non-donor IV forums and other forums I noticed that USCIS are transferring leftover Visas to other EB categories . I waited to see some thing coming to EB3 but ......nothing came .
    My Lawyer told me that I can port to EB2 and it is a normal a process.

    1. New Perm
    a. Filed in Feb and approved in 10 days ( Prep work takes 3 to 4 months before filing )
    b. Requirement : 4 years Engineering + 5 years minimum experience

    2. EB2 I140 (TSC)
    a. Filed in March - Premium Processing
    b. My Lawyer sent interfiling letter along with I140 filing
    c. Approved in 7 days (A# and Priority Date retained)
    d. Same week got Green Cards and Welcome Notices:) - Super-fast Approval
    e. No email and no updates on USCIS website

    Not sure about the USCIS and Lawyer fees . My company paid for every thing.
    Hope every one get the desired freedom asap and don't have to wait like me for 10+ years

    Wish you all the best everyone who is waiting for GC.


    Congratulations, your hard work and patience have paid off!


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  • vsrinir
    09-17 01:19 PM


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  • logiclife
    04-07 11:14 AM
    So we have an amendment that deals with Immigration Voice's goals - Now what?

    The Brownback amendment that benefits all of us in one way or other is on the table for the immigration bill(Specter’s, Frist’s whichever). Thanks to Senator Brownback, his staff, our counsel QGA, our friends in AZ and PA(not in core IV team) who played a key role in convincing the staff and Senator about our problems and solutions and MOST IMPORTANTLY - YOU - the volunteers and members who supported this operation financially and morally.

    Friends, the game has just begun. The fun part, the challenging part comes now. Those who are familiar with S 1932 know that the real deal is the house-senate conference committee IF the immigration bill gets any traction in Senate post recess. In a rare event that immigration bill is ignored this year, we need to focus on getting these amendments in other bills like PACE act, TALENT bill etc. Immigration Voice’s morale is like DURACELL – IT NEVER DIES. NEVER NEVER NEVER.

    So , before we open that Champagne bottle let's make sure that we are ready for the next stages in this effort:

    1. Getting majority of Senators to vote "Yes" on our amendment.
    2. Getting the opposing amendments to defeat the good stuff out of the senate bill.
    3. Protecting this amendment in the House-Senate Conference Committee.
    4. Defeating the harmful provisions that may be injected by more creative minds in the House during House-Senate Conf.
    5. Continued efforts to find another bill for our provisions if the immigration bill fails. (Unlikely because of millions of undocumented workers holding rallies. Something WILL HAPPEN).

    All this is going to take lobbying, grass-roots efforts and a lot of work.

    So now, we regroup. We gain strength. Lend a hand to the fence-sitters to join us. Convince the NAYSAYERS that this works. And we raise more funds.

    Today, IV Core group sincerely requests members to whole-heartedly contribute just like you contributed before. Let's give this movement a momentum so strong and powerful that its invincible. Let us get all hands on deck.


    The goal is to raise another 75,000 in 25 days. That will bring the total contributions to around 150,000 by the first of May.

    We have always asked people to contribute whole-heartedly as this is a non-profit operation, no core member or volunteer makes any money on this and we are accountable to IRS due to our non-profit tax status. We have always done EVERYTHING LEGALLY and will continue to do things legally. If in doubt, please visit the menu "Lobbying and the Law" on the homepage. Remember, the core members want their greencards too and they wouldnt be doing things that are illegal and risk their own greencard applications.

    Conribute and be a part of most successful organized effort ever done by a bunch of high-skills legal immigrants. Be a part of movement that will make you proud for the rest of your life. Something to tell your children about. A few hundred dollars saved by not contributing will not make you happier. I can guarantee you that. The money I contributed to IV has been the most well-spent amount in 6 years of my time in US. And dont ever rely on "Others will do it and I can evade this as one person wont make difference" will NEVER WORK. It never does. If you think that there are friends that are affected by retrogression then call them, show them the amendment and tell them to stand up and support this.

    Thanks, and make this another successful round of donations. Here is a link to our contributions page -



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  • arc
    01-31 07:38 PM
    BUT Man Nasa people has a lot of questions...

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  • amitga
    02-01 02:03 PM
    In my view H1B problem is directly related to Retrogression problem. Lets step backwards and analyze this.

    Why so many GC were applied at the first place that caused retrogression. Because a large number of people came on H1B to US. All these people who came to US on H1b did not actually had any extraordinary skills. These people somehow got in touch with these Desi Consulting companies and came here without any skill and without any projects. These desi consulting companies applied there GC irrespective of the fact that these guys have a job or not. Some of the people I know have sat on bench for years, living with their relatives, unable to get any job. But they had their labour filed. These knid of people would not have made to US, if these fadudent companies were not there.

    Also big companies, have a policy not to apply GC before one year of service. The point was that these companys will file GC only if they feel that the employee adds value to the company. But with these desi companys people have filed GC even before joining the companys.

    In essence if the GC process was working without these Desi companies, I can bet that the number of GC applied would have been much lower than what have we currently have.

    Substituted labor has further added to this problem.

    H1B problems have nothing to do with retrogression.

    If H1B employees are being mistreated by a certain class of employers, then what does that have to do with shortage of visa numbers?


    Misuse and abuse of H1B program did not cause retrogression. And if the abuse ends, its not going to end retrogression. The H1B program does provide ammunition to anti-immigrants to use that paint-brush and paint the entire program of H1B and Employment based GC as bad. Fortune 500 companies dont engage in unethical behavior. The TCS, Wipro etc maybe do that. Small bodyshops certainly do that. I am yet to see a small body-shop, operated by a citizen of foriegn origin, working by the book and treating employees well.

    But all said and done, these things make our life more difficult and exacerbate the situation that arose from retrogression. However, these things didnt cause retrogression.

    At the most, these issues of H1B abuse may have provided support to some groups in keeping the H1B quota down. However, it has nothing to do with EB quota. In fact, IEEE-USA advocates bringing down H1B quota and RAISING the employment based GC quota, in order to remove factors that encourage employer abuse.


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  • chanduv23
    03-13 11:48 AM
    I completely disagree with your message here. You dont even know what the personal reason for not participating in a state chapter is. I, for one, am unable to join a state chapter, because , the nearest chapter is 400 miles and 2 states away. What good would it do to me to join something that I can never be part of. I wanted to start a state chapter here in my place, but I couldnt find any useful resources on how to do it. May be eb3_nepa has some reasons like it.

    Like you said, IV is not a top-down organization, which means everyone is responsible for everyone. I dont see anything wrong with eb3_nepa's questions. He wanted to know what is going on. I am sure there are lots of people around here who has the same questions.

    The Admin Fixes letter campaign was a good initiative. But, the target date got moved twice, and now I dont even know when the end date is.

    May be IV should be a top-down organization. Any organization as big as IV would probably be better served with a Top Team. That team could probably elected by the community. I am confident, that most of our members wouldnt even mind spending a few extra bucks to pay a honarary amount to this team for their efforts and time. Then there will be more structure and accountability and action going on around here.

    I came to know about IV pretty late. When I did learn about IV and joined IV, I was a very enthusiastic participant. Of late, I do believe IV is fading away. I dont see so many activities going on around here. Like eb3_nepa and few others said, IV is right now becoming just another Immigration portal. It is starting to lose its identity.

    After doing all the hard work to gather a mass or like minded people, it will be shameful, if IV drifts away from its stated aim. So, may be it is time for every member, including core members like you to refect upon things and come up with ways to make this organization more transparent and more accessible for people like me.

    Like Waldenpond said, it is probably not wise to list all the items going on in the portal. The work around to that would be, we can add another membership type which is more restrictive. This membership group will have only members whose identities have been verified. Once this group is created, IV can post all the happenings accessible to them. This will help people like me who are unable to be part of any state chapter to know what is happening at IV. Keep our sprits high.

    Thank you

    The primary reason for disconnects and inability towards working in structure is because IV is primarily a volunteer organization and everyone are unpaid volunteers.

    I agree that a lot of State chapters are not functional. some of them were reborn after death, some are very active some are not - as a matter of fact I lead the Tri State chapter and this had to be reborn as it was lead by someone else before and they did what they could and gave up. Now we have some wonderful chapter members who are really helping out and doing a great job. we combined the 3 states for better numbers and better coordination. the leads have strived very hard and continue to strive hard.

    There are times when other things take up priority and the leadership may not be in a position to be active.

    I think part of the frustration is because there do not seem to be frequest updates these days.

    This is what I recommend. Contact the state chapter leader who is nearest to your state. You can join the state chapter.

    For some very important reasons, updates canot be posted on the website.

    With regard to eb3_nepa's case - I think he is from Tri State area doors are always open for him to join the state chapter

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  • krishna.ahd
    02-06 08:35 AM
    I completely agree with Logiclife and the goals IV has setforth to solve our problems. There is only so much one can achieve with limited resources under which IV operates.
    We need to have a set of priorities and work on that one step at time. Though I have not been to DC, I can understand what IV is going through to get us some relief. The least I can do is contribute for our cause and thats what I am doing right now.
    I wish people had some common sense and better understanding of the bigger picture(& issues) before they get involved in finger pointing and asking for more.
    Everyone, please be patient and support IV whole heartedly and financially so that we can atleast attempt to fix the broken immigration system. Though I am VERY optimistic that we will achieve our goals in the near future, but I would not regret even once, if we failed. It is better to try and fail than not give it a shot at all.
    I fully agree , stay focused on the agreed agenda for now.

    Ideal world or Dream World , one may wish to have GC along with SSN card itself , but reality right now fix is needed for the broken system called retro.

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  • arunmohan
    08-12 06:14 PM
    All EB3 applicants should send this letter. I am going to send this letter.

    12-01 07:38 PM
    I had posted the same thing for your question on immigration portal too.
    My personal experience, united nations in immigration portal is your best choice.
    He deals with such cases on a regular basis and has helped me too.

    If you want to talk about my experience, please send me a private email.

    Hi toprasad,

    Would appreciate it if you could give the contact info for United Nations as I need this help with ability to pay immediately...Thanks in advance !!!

    07-25 09:45 AM
    Can you please explain little more about #2 ie. Open your own e-business and File E visa. What type of e-business to start? How to file E-VISA ? Have you filed yet ?

    If anybody has any info on E VISA,please post here so that we can make use of it.

    I appreciate your comments.

    gimmi green - Don't you see green around you. Let me tell you how to get green

    1) Use your credit history to purchase additional home in Florida. House purchase in 150000 will be 250000 in year. The market was like that a year back. It takes 8 months to get a house. There is a big line.

    2) Open your own e-business. File E visa. 1/4 million should be easy money if you have stayed here for 10 years.

    3) House listing in only done by realtor. Give option to customer. For fun open a site for people to list their house for sale. Give them free service then charge. Live American way.

    4) Make school in Village. I have made one. I enjoy supporting the school. Grow India.

    5) Don't worry about GC. Do something. Registering a site takes some $35 or 40. Built you site. Use American brain.

    Am I doing it? Yes.. Did I make money? Yes.


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